
Whole-School Reform


As with all efforts to improve schools, success is not automatic. A Rand Corporation researcher told Olson, "We're basically, in our analysis, providing a cautionary tale about how difficult it is to grow reform quickly." She went on to say, "We want to have a 'buyer beware' sign out there. Don't think you can just buy this off-the-shelf technology, plug it into a school, and then things are going to improve."
如同所有努力去改善學校,成功不是自然而然的。Rand公司研究員告訴Olson說“在我們的基本分析上,提供了一個有關改革的警戒訊息,改革迅速成長它是多麼的困難。”她接著說,“我們希望有個''買家小心''的標誌在那裡。別以為你可以只買這個現成的科技,將其連接到一所學校,然後一切都將得到改善。 “

Two factors are critical to success, states the RAND report: "Schools where educators felt that they adopted a design without fully understanding it or that they were forced to adopt a design showed lower levels of implementation than schools that were well-informed and had freedom of choice" (Glennan and colleagues).
有兩個因素是成功的關鍵, Rand報告指出:“學校教育工作者認為,他們採取的目的未經完全理解它,或者他們是被迫採取學校的目的,發現實施的下層非常了解學校,並有自由選擇“(Glennan和同事)。

Measurable success, the report noted, came in districts that "had stable leadership that strongly supported the designs, were free of political crisis, had a culture of trust between schools and the central office, provided some school-level autonomy in such matters as budgets and hiring, and provided more resources for professional development and planning."

Failure of reform, as well, can be traced to several issues: (1) financing; (2) leadership; (3) commitment to the program; (4) perceptions of the general public, parents, and students; (5) staffing; (6) curriculum; (7) political pressures; (8) racial problems; (9) insufficient facilities; and (10) problems of management and scheduling students and staff communication (Schaffer and colleagues).

Success, then, depends on many factors. Patricia Wasley and her colleagues (1997) say that the school's staff must share a common image of a different, more rigorous kind of schooling, be able to deal directly with difficult and often controversial issues, and be willing to receive and act on critical feedback from external sources. In addition, the faculty must have or develop self-analysis skills to monitor data on student achievement, as well as be able to deal simultaneously with multiple aspects of school redesign-curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and school culture. Involvement of parents is also crucial.
學校如果要成功,那麼,取決於許多因素。Patricia Wasley和她的同事(1997)說,學校的行政人員必須要有一個不同的普遍意識,更嚴格的學校教育,能夠直接處理困難,以及往往有爭議的問題,並願意接受和處理批評性意見從外部來源。此外,教師必須擁有或發展自我監測數據分析技巧對學生的成就,以及能同時處理多個方面重新設計的學校,課程,教學,評估和校園文化。家長的參與也至關重要。

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