

Trends in School Leadership. ERIC Digest.
by Lashway, Larry

Within the last five years, policy-makers and practitioners have confronted the challenge of replacing many retiring educational leaders. Districts have fewer qualified applicants to fill positions requiring an increasingly sophisticated set of skills to deal with everything from school safety to standards-driven accountability.

The recent passage of the No Child Left Behind Act has turned up the heat even more by putting the full weight of federal policy behind the accountability movement, mandating that schools bring all children-including racial minorities, English-language learners, and students with disabilities-to an adequate level of progress.
最近通過了不讓一個孩子落後法案,發現聯邦的政策將全部的權重放在績效責任運動上,要求學校把所有兒童,包括少數族裔、英語學習生(English-language learners)、殘疾學生,讓這些孩童達到適當進步的程度。

In response, policymakers, researchers, and school leaders themselves have scrutinized the job, asking what skills are most essential and formulating recommendations for reshaping the profession. While consensus remains elusive, several persistent themes have emerged.

With the nationwide emphasis on standards-based accountability, it was inevitable that reformers would propose standards for educators themselves. In recent years, consensus has been building around the standards of the Interstate School Leadership Licensure Consortium (ISLLC), which have guided certification reform in many states (1996). In addition, the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) recently aligned its accreditation standards for leadership-training programs with ISLLC (National Policy Board for Educational Administration 2002).

The ISLLC standards are premised on the centrality of student learning as the measure of educational success. Each standard begins with the phrase, "An administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by..." The expectations themselves focus on nurturing a vision, sustaining a growth-oriented school culture, managing the organization effectively, collaborating with families and community, acting with integrity, and participating in the larger social and cultural context.
Attention is also turning to advanced certification to recognize expert leadership. Using the model provided by the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), a number of organizations have launched an effort to develop national certification for school leaders (Jeff Archer 2002).
注意力也轉向進階的認證去認可專家領導。使用美國國家教學專業標準委員會(NBPTS)提供的模式,對於學校的領導有些組織已經發起了一項努力發展國家的認證標準(Jeff Archer ,2002)。

Under the proposal, administrators would earn advanced certification through an exhaustive regimen of tests, simulations, portfolios, and self-analysis. As in the NBPTS model, this certification would not be directly tied to state licensure, but would offer a nationally recognized distinction and would send a strong signal that initial preparation is only the beginning of the learning process (David Mandel 2000).
根據建議,行政人員將獲取進階的認證方案透過一個詳盡的試驗、模擬、組合及自我分析的方案。正如NBPTS的模式,這種認證將不能直接連接到國家執證照,但是會提供一個全國性地認可的區別,以及有個強烈的訊號,這訊號是最初前期僅僅只是個學習過程的開始(David Mandel 2000年)。

Although current standards are having a significant impact on leadership preparation, they have critics. C. M. Achilles and William Price (2001) argue that the ISLLC standards fail to identify a distinctive, research-based body of knowledge that would help leaders decide what to do, not just how to do it. Fenwick English (2002) has leveled similar criticism concerning the NCATE standards, viewing them as an attempt to force-fit healthily diverse programs into a standardized model. Nonetheless, most policymakers and practitioners seem confident that judicious use of the standards can reshape school leadership.
他們評論家說,儘管目前在領導準備上標準化是有重大影響。Achilles和William Price(2001)認為,跨州學校領導者證照聯合會(ISLLC)標準未能去確定一個鑑別性的準則,以及研究為基礎的知識體系,這知識體系將有助於領導人決定該怎麼做,不只是如何做到這一點。Fenwick English(2002)有類似的批評有關全美師資培育認證委員會標準,查看他們是試圖去配合健康地各種方案納入一個標準的模式。儘管如此,多數決策者和實行者似乎有自信的,他們明智地使用這些標準可以改變學校領導。


  • 心得
張德銳認為教學領導(Instructional Leadership)是:校長透過直接或間接的領導行為來制定和溝通學校目標、建立學生學習期望、協調學校課程、視導與評鑑老師的教學、增進學生學習機會、提昇教師專業成長的領導作為。
De Bevoise認為教學領導係指校長為提高教師的教學品質和學生的學習效果,而由校長本身或授權他人所採取的相關措施。這些相關措施包括了擬定學校發展的目標、提供教師教學與學生學習的資源、視導與評量教師的教學、妥善規劃教師進修的課程,以及校長與教師間或教師與教師間和諧、互動的關係等。


