Designing Schools That Enhance Student Learning
EW: Why haven learning environments received more attention as part of the school-reform movement?
Le and Dewar: It a difficult question. Last year, Cameron Sinclair wrote a piece on Huffington Post in response to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan statement that it is not about the building? In terms of school reform. He respectfully disagrees with Secretary Duncan claim, as do we.
Le and Dewar:這是一個困難的問題。去年Cameron Sinclair在Huffington郵報上寫了一篇回應教育部長Arne Duncan對 ”這不是關於建設說法”提出質疑。在學校改革方面,他恭敬的不同意教育部長Duncan的宣稱,跟我們一樣也不同意。

Teacher performance has been a major focus of analysis about reforming schools, and that is thoroughly important, but we know that the learning and teaching environment is also important in making education systems work well.
This dismissive reaction is exactly why we worked with VS Furniture and Bruce Mau Design to write The Third Teacher. It a book that filled with facts, interviews, excerpts and stories, as well as 79 practical ideas for design to transform teaching and learning. The title comes from a quote by Italian teacher and psychologist Loris Malaguzzi. Malaguzzi developed the Reggio Emilia approach to learning on the premise that children develop through interactions, first with the adults in their lives -- parents and teachers -- and then with their peers, and ultimately with the environment around them. Environment is the third teacher.
這不以為然的反應是確切的,因為我們與VS家具和Bruce Mau設計公司一起合作寫第三位老師(The Third Teacher)。這本書,有許多的真實案例、訪談、摘錄一些片段和故事,以及79個設計的實用想法,來讓教學和學習改變。這個標題的敘述來自於一位義大利的老師和心理學家Loris Malaguzzi。Malaguzzi發展Reggio Emilia在兒童發展前提下的學習方式,也就是通過互動,首先在兒童與大人的生活中---父母和老師---以及與他們的同儕,並且最後是與兒童們周圍的環境。環境是兒童們的老師。