作者:洪蘭 出處:天下雜誌 462期 2010/12
安全感是人類第一大需求,孩子小時因為沒有生存和自衛能力,完全仰賴父母照顧,如果父母不喜歡他、不照顧他,他只有死路一條。所以心理學家洪妮(Karen Horney)和羅傑斯(Carl Rogers)提出一個兒童情緒發展理論,認為兒童如果不確定父母是否喜歡他、接納他,會有嚴重的焦慮,他們必須找出一個贏得父母歡心、讓自己安心的方法。
很多人誤以為分數是量化,最公平,但愛因斯坦就說過:許多重要的東西是不能被量化的(Everything that counts can not be counted)。分數代表的是現在的知識,並不能預測未來的表現。OECD的史萊克(A. Schleicher)說:「『國際學生基礎讀寫能力計劃』(PISA)的目標不在檢驗過去學到什麼,而在未來運用所學的知識與技術來面對新環境與新挑戰。」所以測的不只是閱讀讀寫能力而已,還包括數學和科學讀寫能力。
上個月過世的廣告教父孫大偉在學校時功課不好,老師對他的評語是「該生素質太差」,但是想想看,這個世界若是沒有他,該有多遜色。分數的迷思,一定要打破! (作者為中央大學神經科學研究所所長)

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Restructuring is not occurring primarily because educators simply want to improve schools. External pressure and demands are important motivators. The business community, in particular, has become vocal and articulate in its call for fundamental change in education. Schools are not "closed systems" that can decide what they want to do and set their standards for success in isolation from their constituents.
As educators respond to these external pressures, it becomes clear that schools cannot accomplish their mission without the active support of the community at large, including parents, businesses, and governmental agencies. Guthrie (1991) summarizes this call for greater integration of services, particularly between social service agencies and schools: "Now is the time to look at the full range of functions that schools are being asked to perform and identify which of those the school is best suited to handle, which can best be provided by other institutions and agencies, and which can best be accomplished by joint effort. The challenge is not simply to divide up responsibilities, but to reconceptualize the role of the school and relationships among the school, the community, and the larger society. The new arrangement must be designed so that it shifts the emphasis of each agency away from itself and toward the client: the child."
Hallinger and others (1991) report that "principals viewed the effects of restructuring on themselves almost exclusively in terms of power. They forecast new roles with fewer decisions to make by themselves leading to a loss of control and power." Goldman and others (1991) found principals who were learning to redefine their roles in restructuring schools by becoming facilitators. These principals actually perceived an increase in their power and influence as they came to employ new skills such as directing data to teachers to enable them to develop a vision and make decisions, creating new leadership roles and decision-making structures, and allocating resources to achieve the vision.
The ability of principals to make this transition from one leadership style to another, to perceive power as something that is multiplied rather than reduced when it is shared, seems to be one of the key issues affecting the long-term success of restructuring. The issue is not solely governance structures, such as site councils, but the principal's leadership style in relation to such councils.
Didn’t make the cheerleading squad? Might as well take your elementary-school principal to court
When he first started teaching, lawsuits didn’t loom large in Pizza’s imagination. Now, he says, schools get sued over anything, over nothing. Take the case of the group of fifth graders who were shooting hoops on the school playground one morning. The kids were breaking the rules—students aren’t allowed to play on school property without adult supervisors. But when one of the boys broke his arm, his mother, who had no insurance, sued the school and the parents of all her son’s playmates. She argued that her son deserved compensation because his injury meant he wouldn’t be able to play baseball that summer. “The kid was not Mickey Mantle,” Pizza said. Nonetheless, one of the parents’ insurance companies ended up paying some damages.
當他第一次開始教學,在Pizza的想像中訴訟案件沒有令他驚恐。現在,他說,學校被控告過任何事件。如案例,某天的早晨一群五年級的學生在學校操場上投籃。孩子們破壞了規則---不允許學生在學校玩沒有老師或其他大人在旁。但是,有個男孩手臂斷了,他的母親沒有保險,控訴學校和她兒子的玩伴們的家長。她認為,她兒子應該得到一些賠賞,因為他的受傷意味著那年夏天他將無法打棒球。“這孩子是不是Mickey Mantle,” Pizza說。儘管如此,一對父母的保險公司最終支付一些賠償。