
Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

肯.羅賓森爵士(Sir Ken Robinson)以生動活潑的案例來談教育制度。他深切希望教育制度能培育而非扼殺學生的創意。


Town schools in top 10 improved心得感想





Recruiting and Selecting Principals. ERIC Digest Series Number EA27.

It is predicted that half of all current U.S. principals will retire within the next four or five years. Aware of the difference effective leadership can make, many school districts are reviewing unsystematic hiring practices that have emphasized image over skill, and are beginning to embrace a more comprehensive and well-thought-out principal recruitment and selection process.


A list of competencies for principals recommended by a National Association of Secondary School Principals' task force includes problem analysis, organizational ability, decisiveness, effective communication skills, and stress tolerance.
全國中學校長協會(NASSP)提出一個校長能力建議的清單, 包括問題分析、組織能力、做決策能力、有效的溝通技巧、講求寬容。

In addition to traditional requirements such as these, personal qualities must also be given consideration to counter what Richard Ihle (1987) calls a disturbing trend "toward greater weight being given to academic credentials." The NASSP has developed a statement of ethics for principals that recognizes their important professional leadership role in the school and community.
除了傳統的要求,如其中個人素質也必須加以考慮進去Richard Ihle(1987)說到一個令人不安的趨勢“學歷證明越來越被重視。” NASSP發展一個校長的道德聲名,在學校和社區認為校長的專業領導的角色被認為是極重要的。

Principals must articulate a vision and values that they can use to transform or revitalize a school's atmosphere, according to the Office of Educational Research and Improvement's Principal Selection Guide (1987). They should be determined, creative, and enthusiastic--willing and able to confront problems and seek out opportunities to inspire their school communities toward beneficial change. This growth needs to occur, Richard DuFour and Robert Eaker (1987) state, through empowerment rather than coercion, by "delegating, stretching the ability of others and encouraging educated risk." The principal must be the catalyst and champion of school improvement.
校長必須清楚說明願景和價值觀,他們可以用它來改造或恢復學校的氣氛,根據官方教育研究與改進校長遴選指南(1987)。他們應該要有決心、創造性和熱情 --- 願意並能夠面對問題,並且尋找機會去激發他們學區朝向有益的變化。出現這些的增長需求,Richard DuFour 和 Robert Eaker(1987)說明,透過增能賦權,而不是強迫,以“授權委託、展開他人的能力,並且鼓勵訓練的風險。”校長必須是催化劑和學校改善的聲援者。


Global advice for head teachers

(last paragraph)

Sharing ideas意見交流
There would be individual national networks, plus access to common international heads network.

And e-learning materials for head teachers, produced by the college, could be made available to an international educational community.

Tony Richardson, the college's director of online learning, says that there has been great interest in setting up a world forum for sharing best practice among heads.
"Whether it's raising standards, managing behaviour or tackling underachievement, schools are facing similar questions," he says.
Tony Richardson線上學習學院的主任,他說設立一個世界論壇分享校長最佳的實務經驗是有趣的。無論是提高標準、行為的管理或是處理低學業成就的學生,學校正面臨著類似的問題。

And he wants heads to be able to learn from the lessons discovered by other countries.

Education has many common themes around the world. For instance, in the United States and the United Kingdom there have been many parallels in the shortages of teachers and the problems of low standards in deprived areas.

Debates over the use of private companies in state education and the funding of higher education are also common to many countries.
And political parties and education authorities are increasingly looking overseas for inspiration.

Two years ago, the Department for Education took teachers from England to see examples of school systems in the United States.
And the Conservative party's education spokesperson has visited several countries in Europe to gather ideas.


1.Five Key Issues in Restructuring

(paragraph 3.4)

Restructuring is not occurring primarily because educators simply want to improve schools. External pressure and demands are important motivators. The business community, in particular, has become vocal and articulate in its call for fundamental change in education. Schools are not "closed systems" that can decide what they want to do and set their standards for success in isolation from their constituents.


As educators respond to these external pressures, it becomes clear that schools cannot accomplish their mission without the active support of the community at large, including parents, businesses, and governmental agencies. Guthrie (1991) summarizes this call for greater integration of services, particularly between social service agencies and schools: "Now is the time to look at the full range of functions that schools are being asked to perform and identify which of those the school is best suited to handle, which can best be provided by other institutions and agencies, and which can best be accomplished by joint effort. The challenge is not simply to divide up responsibilities, but to reconceptualize the role of the school and relationships among the school, the community, and the larger society. The new arrangement must be designed so that it shifts the emphasis of each agency away from itself and toward the client: the child."



Hallinger and others (1991) report that "principals viewed the effects of restructuring on themselves almost exclusively in terms of power. They forecast new roles with fewer decisions to make by themselves leading to a loss of control and power." Goldman and others (1991) found principals who were learning to redefine their roles in restructuring schools by becoming facilitators. These principals actually perceived an increase in their power and influence as they came to employ new skills such as directing data to teachers to enable them to develop a vision and make decisions, creating new leadership roles and decision-making structures, and allocating resources to achieve the vision.

Hallinger及其他學者(1991)報告指出,校長觀察組織再造的結果對自己的影響幾乎只有某些的權力。他們預測,新的角色少數由自己來決策,導致控制和權力的喪失。 Goldman和其他人學者(1991)發現校長他們在學校組織再造時學習重新界定自己,變成一個催化者的角色。其實,這些校長認為增加他們的權力和影響力,因為他們是採用新的技術,例如指導教師一些資訊,使他們發展願景和作出決策,創造新的領導角色和決策結構,並分配資源來實現願景。

The ability of principals to make this transition from one leadership style to another, to perceive power as something that is multiplied rather than reduced when it is shared, seems to be one of the key issues affecting the long-term success of restructuring. The issue is not solely governance structures, such as site councils, but the principal's leadership style in relation to such councils.
